High Muslim Population: Russia is Preparing to Introduce Islamic Banking

Russia launched Islamic banking for the first time as part of a two-year pilot program on September 1, 2023. With a sizable Muslim population estimated at around 25 million and growing, Islamic financial institutions have existed in Russia until now. However, this marks the first time the country’s legislation officially supports the establishment of such […]

Dari Kelas ke Realitas: Kesenjangan Antara Ilmu Akademis dan Penerapan Praktis

Sebagai mahasiswa, bisa mengimplementasikan ilmu yang diperoleh di Perguruan tinggi merupakan keinginan hampir semua mahasiswa yang berkesempatan mengenyam pendidikan tinggi. Namun faktanya, masih banyak mahasiswa fresh graduate (lulusan baru), tapi mereka belum mampu menjaga dan mengimplementasikan pengetahuan yang telah mereka peroleh dibangku kuliah terhadap kehidupan nyata. Pertanyaannya adalah, apa permasalahan mendasar yang menjadi penyebab ketimpangan […]

Jakarta Opts Remote Work and Learning to Reduce Pollution. A Lesson Learned from the Pandemic of COVID-19.

According to IQAir data, Jakarta was once among the most polluted cities globally. While its ranking improves, pollution remains a concern. Jakarta aims to reshape its urban landscape by promoting remote work and learning, reducing pollution, and redefining citizens’ interactions with their environment. Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic have led to innovative solutions beyond healthcare, […]

Power Plant Energy in Indonesia and the Role of the Financial Industry

In the global pursuit of environmental sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions, coal-fired power plants have emerged as a focal point of contention due to their contribution to environmental degradation, health concerns, and climate change. Across the world, there has been a growing demand for a shift towards cleaner sources of energy, prompting widespread […]

Polusi di Jakarta: dari PLTU? Bagaimana regulasi pemerintah?

Beberapa waktu terakhir tingkat polusi udara di Jakarta dikabarkan semakin memburuk. Polusi udara yang semakin memburuk tidak hanya berdampak buruk bagi kehidupan sosial di jakarta serta “image kota jakarta” yang menjadi sorotan nasional bahkan internasional tetapi yang lebih penting adalah dampaknya yang negatif bagi kesehatan, antara lain; seperti penyakit jantung, stroke, kanker, dan penyakit pernapasan. […]

“Regulasi ‘Spin Off’ Diklaim Menguatkan Industri Keuangan Syariah”

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 11 Tahun 2023 tentang Pemisahan Unit Syariah pada Perusahaan Asuransi dan Perusahaan Reasuransi (POJK 11 Tahun 2023). Pada konferensi asuransi internasional di Jakarta, Indonesia pada awal Juli 2023, peserta percaya bahwa Takaful, yaitu asuransi Syariah, masih memiliki potensi yang belum terealisasi sepenuhnya. Meskipun Indonesia […]

Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing Modern Financial System

Keyphrase: Blockchain, technology, modern, finance, trust, transparency, islamic, principle Nowadays, blockchain innovation has arisen as a groundbreaking power in various industries, with finance being at the bleeding edge of this revolution. The decentralised and transparent nature of blockchain can possibly reshape financial systems, making a more comprehensive, secure, and efficient environment. This article provides a […]

Banking for a Better World: The Ethical Bank Movement

Keyphrase: Banking, Ethical Bank, Better World, Movement In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and demand for a more responsible and sustainable approach to finance. The conventional banking system has existed for almost 400 years today, with its profit-driven motives and questionable practices, has come under scrutiny. This has led to the rise […]

Ethical Banking and Finance: Shaping a Sustainable Future for All

Keyphrase: Ethical banking and finance, Sustainable future In recent years, the concept of ethical finance has gained significant traction worldwide. As concerns about social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and corporate governance have become more prominent, individuals and organizations are increasingly seeking financial institutions that align with their values.  Within the broader framework of ethical finance, ethical […]

Korelasi Industri Halal dan Sustainability: Mengembangkan Keberlanjutan dalam Ekonomi Berbasis Halal

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Akhir-akhir ini, industri halal dan keberlanjutan (sustainability) telah menjadi dua isu penting yang mendapatkan perhatian global. Industri halal, yang meliputi makanan, minuman, pariwisata, kosmetik, farmasi, dan sektor-sektor lainnya, terus berkembang dengan pesat di berbagai negara. Di sisi lain, sustainability menjadi fokus utama untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang seimbang dengan memperhatikan dampak sosial, lingkungan, dan ekonomi […]