Our blockchain technology enables secure, transparent, and efficient operations, revolutionising the way institutions function

At iBantu, we offer cutting-edge blockchain services specifically tailored for both public and private sectors, leveraging the power of smart contract-based solutions. With our smart contract solutions, we empower organisations to streamline their processes, reduce costs, and enhance trust in transactions. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements written in code, which automatically enforce and verify the terms of an agreement. By removing the need for intermediaries and manual intervention, smart contracts bring speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness to various sectors.


Transformation toward digital philanthropy using shariah-compliant blockchain embedded with shariah smart contract to gain seamless user experience and to enhance transparency and accountability in the social finance world.


Tokenisation of physical assets, either movable or immovable, for several business and use cases such as liquidity purposes, fundraising, capital restructurisation, and others. Tokens enable their issuers and holders to possess secure, transparent, liquid, and alternative asset classes.


Providing a totally secure certification application that is easy to use and can be customised to meet specific needs, blockchain secure records that streamline certification and audit processes that also create transparency for consumers, and Improved efficiencies avoid delays in the certification process by giving access to approved system users


Empowering communities and marketplace to perform faster enrolment processes through the KYC using blockchain to create and define specific smart contracts and issuance of tokens for their particular needs.


Transformation toward digital philanthropy using shariah-compliant blockchain embedded with shariah smart contract to gain seamless user experience and to enhance transparency and accountability in the social finance world.


Tokenisation of physical assets, either movable or immovable, for several business and use cases such as liquidity purposes, fundraising, capital restructurisation, and others. Tokens enable their issuers and holders to possess secure, transparent, liquid, and alternative asset classes.


Providing a totally secure certification application that is easy to use and can be customised to meet specific needs, blockchain secure records that streamline certification and audit processes that also create transparency for consumers, and Improved efficiencies avoid delays in the certification process by giving access to approved system users.


Empowering communities and marketplace to perform faster enrolment processes through the KYC using blockchain to create and define specific smart contracts and issuance of tokens for their particular needs.